Known for his futuristic yet realistic art style and wild imagination, Larry Lin is an artist, a creative director and a designer talented and inspiring. With Bhilab Larry Lin runs Brand Nu, a multidisciplinary award winning studio.
This holiday season, Bhilab is more than happy to embark him as our creative director and designer. He expressed his wild fantasy of the universe “Oleum Naturalis” by delicate sumptuous flowers and bright sparkling colors. Let’s find out the planet Oleum Naturalis that he created.
At the core of our products, we use Essential oils, scientifically recognized for their powerful skin properties.
We commit to using as many natural ingredients as possible in all our formula, while ensuring exceptional sensoriality.
Our star Aromessence oil-serum is 100%
Our toxicologists check our essential
oils and products at each step of the formulation, to reduce the risk ofallergies
A unique and powerful formula
Fewer than 5% of the world’s plants produce essential oils, making them rare and precious. They are the plants’ natural remedy that ensures their protective, reproductive and regenerative properties. Each drop of essential oil contains on average 150 active molecules. Essential oils have powerful skin and mind benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant & anti-stress therapeutic properties*.
They are so potent that they must be selected, extracted and blended with the highest level of expertise and skill.